Caribbean Report 20-01-1992


In this report Eugenia Charles, Prime Minister of Dominica crticises Sir Shridath Ramphal's opinion on how CARICOM is being run, while various other segments deal with other opinions on CARICOM , particularly the Mills Report drafted for CARICOM . The author of the Mills Report, Sir Gladstone Mills also give his opinion. The possible postponement of CARIFESTA scheduled to take place in Trinidad is also reported on, as well as the failure of a meeting held in Washington to discuss the possible reinstatement of the ousted Presidnet Jean-Bertrand Aristide to office. There is news of the attempt by Guyana's election commission to acquire more control of the election process and the final segement deals with the opening of the hearing in Trinidad on the attempt by the Muslimeen to overthrow the government.


Table of Contents

1. Headline (00:00-00:36)
2. Report on the rejection of Sir Shridath Rampha's criticism of CARICOM leadership by Dominica's Prime Minister Eugenia Charles (00:37-01:16)
3. Interview with Eugenia Charles on the Mills Report (01:17-01:44)
4. Report on the feelings of disappointment expressed on the Mills Report by its author Professor Gladstone Mills of Jamaica (01:45-01:51)
5. Interview with Professor Glandstone Mills on the Mills Report and on the state of CARICOM (01:52-04:29)
6. Report on the response of the chairman of CARICOM and also of Prime Minister of St. Kitts/Nevis, Dr. Kennedy Simmons, on the growing criticism towards CARICOM (04:30-05:07)
7. Interview with Dr. Kennedy Simmons on the issue of increasing frustration with CARICOM (05:08-07:29)
8. Report on the possible postponement of CARIFESTA scheduled to takeplace in Trinidad (07:30-08:31)
9. Report on the failure of the OAS sponsored meeting in Washington aimed at re-instating ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to office and the sentiments expressed by Barbadian foreign minster, Morris King on its failure (08:32-09:40)
10. Report on the attempt by Guyana's election commision to aquire more control over the elections process and Sharief Khan reports on this attempt from Georgetown (09:41-11:50)
11. Report and interview with Barbados foreign minister, Morris King on the failure of the OAS sponsored meeting in Washington on President Aristide's possible return to office (11:51-13:36)
12. Report on the opening of the hearing in Trinidad on the attempt by the Muslimeen to overthrow the government and the self-dismissal of the Presiding Judge from the hearing (14:37-14:57)

