Caribbean Report 16-08-1995


In this report, the Association of Caribbean States (ACS) is proposing strong criticism of the American foreign advisory for tourists. Also, Jamaica's Prime Minister P.J. Patterson comments on whether issues of small states are likely to be a major issue at the ACS Summit. Another major issue on the front burner includes the participation of Cuba however, Cuba's Foreign Minister Roberto Robaina addresses this matter. In St. Vincent, defeat for the Opposition's no confidence motion in the government but the party has pledged to keep up its campaign for the removal of Attorney General Parnell Campbell. Prime Minister James Mitchell spoke to the House at the end of the debate. Jamaica's Finance Minister Omar Davies announced measures to shore up the island's troubled currency. Bermuda's future hangs in the balance as voters cast their ballots in a referendum on independence. Following confusion on whether the poll would be on or off, government spokesman Gavin Shorto comments on whether any one person has the authority to postpone the referendum. In cricket, Andy Cummins responded well to his call-up to the injury depleted West Indies squad.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Debbie Ransome (00:00-00:26)
2. The ACS to strongly criticise the US foreign advisory to tourists (00:27-03:36)
3. In St. Vincent the Opposition's no confidence motion in the government has been defeated (03:37-08:06)
4. Jamaica announces measures to stop the slide of the dollar (08:07-09:46)
5. Bermudians go to the polls to decide on independence (09:47-14:01)
6. Andy Cummins responds well to his selection to the West Indies team (14:02-14:40)
7. Recap of top stories (14:40-15:08)

