Caribbean Report 20-07-1998



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Keith Greaves (00:00-00-36)
2. Our government seems to hide behind that. Human Rights groups condemn this morning's hanging of a man in St. Kitts. Trinidad and Tobago's Attorney General Ramesh Maharaj today defended his country's position on the death penalty. Attorney General Delano Bart, Victor Cuffy of the Caribbean Human Rights Network, Attorney General Ramesh Maharaj and Foreign Minister Ralph Maraj are interviewed and Debbie Ransome reports (00:37-07:40)
3. Desi Bouterse flexes his political muscles. In Suriname, a confrontation between the Opposition Party and the government is brewing. The Opposition is demanding that the government leave office. Former Military Leader Desi Bouterse is interviewed and Tony Fraser reports (07:41-09:35)
4. China and Taiwan battle for allegiance from Caribbean States. Electra Naismith reports (09:36-11:16)
5. Officials in Cuba said that President Fidel Castro is in perfect health dismissing a US newspaper report that he has undergone hospital treatment for a serious illness (11:17-12:02)
6. The Caribbean Credit Union Movement is said to be one of the regional best kept secrets. However, according to the Head of the regional movement Caribbean Credit Unions are facing major challenges. Head of the Caribbean Credit Union Movement Melvin Edwards is interviewed (12:03-15:21)

