Caribbean Report 15-02-1989


The President of the ACP Group of States outlines the major issues in the summit's agenda. Chris Patten, Minister for Overseas Development speaks on the need for greater liberalization of trade agreements, guarantees for traditional suppliers of goods like bananas, and the simplification of the rules of origin. The British Industrial Society conference on recruiting staff from ethnic minorities highlights discriminatory practices in the workplace. Interviews are held with Dr. Marie Stewart, organizer of the conference and John Calvert, Principal Complaints Officer for the Commission on Racial Equality. Calvert notes that there is a significant increase in numbers claiming racial discrimination. Interviews are also held on workers' rights with Peter Cox from supermarket chain, Safeways and Harold Mangar of Black Rights, UK. The Sunday Times publication of an article where a Montserratian girl died in Britain leads to a group, the International Collaborative Committee for Child Health to step-up its campaign for free medical treatment in Britain for all people from dependent territories.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:56)
2. The President of the ACP Group of States outlines the major issues in the summit's agenda. Chris Patten, Minister for Overseas Development speaks on the need for greater liberalization of trade aggreements, guarantees for traditional suppliers of goods and the simplification of the rules of origin (00:57-04:46)
3. Financial News (04:47-06:35)
4. The British Industrial Society conference on recruiting staff from ethnic minorities highlights discriminatory practices in the workplace (06:36-10:50)
5. The Sunday Times publication of an article on the death of a seventeen year old Montserratian girl leads to the group, the International Collaborative Committee for Child Health to step-up its campaign for free medical treatment for all people from dependent territories (10:51-15:00)

