Caribbean Report 13-02-1998



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Orin Gordon (00:00-00:25)
2. A new CARICOM- Britain drug agreement has been announced and Britain's Foreign Secretary Robin Cook underlined the need to work together to combat drug trafficking (00:26-02:10)
3. Robin Cook comments on whether special trade arrangments for CARICOM countries should continue. The Caribbean states push for special concessions for small states within the WTO (02:11-06:20)
4. Montserrat's Chief Minister David Brandt states that British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook's visit would expose him to the extent of suffering on the island (06:21-08:45)
5. In Cuba, political dissidents have been released from prison as a gesture to the Pope John Paul. Rosie Hayes reports on how opposition groups in Cuba have been reacting to these releases (08:46-12:03)
6. Jamaican officials have accused CARICOM of disorganization during a recent trade mission to South Africa. Jamaica Export Marketing Group, Pat Francis states that the Eastern Caribbean was particularly disadvantaged but CARICOM Secretary-General who was part of the delegation disagrees (12:04-13:46)
7. The United States has urged the Dominican Republic to clarify the extradition process between the two countries as they seek extradition of at least thirty Dominicans (13:47-14:56)
8. Recap of top stories (14:57-15:20)

