A roadmap for the safe reopening of schools in Barbados



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Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT), Barbados


The roadmap begins by describing the Barbadian context and states the requirements for a safe return to face-to-face school. It also identifies the target groups that will receive priority for face-to-face classes if the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MHW) advises that it is safe to return to the classroom. Lastly, it describes the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in ensuring the consistent delivery of education whether face-to-face, blended or online. The following objectives guided the creation of this roadmap: 1) Describe plans to facilitate the safe, effective and efficient delivery of education; 2) Sensitize all partners in education about the requirements for the safe return to the classroom; 3) Identify the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders to ensure the safe operation of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.



Table of Contents


COVID-19, Pandemic, Quality education, Barbados
