Caribbean Report 07-02-1992


Jean Bertrand Aristide, ousted Haitian President, express indignation at the inability of the OAS to remove Haiti's military commander and contrasting views of U.S. officials are aired on the Haitian political situation. The Dominican Republic foreign Minister express the view that the meeting of the EC-ACP General Assembly carded to take place in Dominican Republic was not the forum for Jean Bertrand Aristide to air his views, while the newspaper in Cuba charge that the United States was using strong-arm tactics in dealing with Haitian refugees at Guantanamo Bay. There is a brief report on the flooding caused by surging tides in Cuba. Trinidad and Tobago is the second CARICOM country to remove the passport requirement for CARICOM national entering the country. British parliamentarians express sympathy to Caribean rum producers who are experiencing difficulty getting in to the French market and Chris Eubank, World Boxing Organization super middle weight champion is involved in an accident which leaves a road workman dead.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:51)
2. Airing of views of exiled leader Jean Bertrand Aristide on the inability of the OAS to remove Haiti's military commander, Raoul Cedros (00:52-02:26)
3. Interviews are aired with Elliot Abrams, former assistant secretary of state for Latin American Affairs during the Reagan Presidency, who says Aristide has to shoulder some of the blame. Contrasting views of Democratic congressman Charles Rangel who sees the failure to return Aristide to office as an unwillingness to support Haiti's fledgling attempt to establish democracy. They express their views on the relaxation of the U.S. embargo against Haiti, while Charles Rangal express dissappointment on the silence of the Caribbean region and what he says is the vacuum of moral indignation (02:27-08:30)
4. Report on another blow to Aristide by the Dominican Republic who is against him speaking at an EC-ACP General Assembly to be held in the Domiican Republic, where he was previoulsy invited to make an address (08:31-09:23)
5. Report on the charge by the editorial in Cuba's newspapers that the U.S. was using strong-arm tactics with Haitian refugees at Guantanamo Bay, while Lionel Martin reports from Havana. Also reported on Cuba is the flooding and destruction caused by surging tides (09:24-11:10)
6. Report on the removal of passport requirements for CARICOM nationals in Trinidad and Tobago, second after the CARICOM country of Grenada to do so (11:11-11:52)
7. Report on the sympathy expressed by some British parliamentarians to Caribbean rum producers who has had difficulty getting into the French market. The French government is accused of protectionism and failure to adhere to the Lome Convention, an issue addressed by British labour M.P. Derrick Enright, whose opinions finds favour with Mark Lennox Boyd, parliamentary undersecretary of state for foreign and commonwealth affairs (11:53-13:23)
8. Report on the accident in which World Boxing Organisation super middleweight champion Chris Eubank is involved in which leaves a road workman dead (13:24-14:03)
9. Hugh Croskill summarises and ends report (14:04-14:56)

