Caribbean Report 24-04-1998



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Electra Naysmith (00:00-00:23)
2. Antigua's Opposition Leader Baldwin Spencer is to continue his challenge against the controversial Guiana Island project. Spencer comments on whether the parliamentary route would have been the simpler one to take (00:24-02:51)
3. The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago, Ramesh Maharaj has arrived in Britain for a series of meetings to discuss a phased pull out from the traditional appeal system, the Privy Council. Jonathan Rugman reports (02:51-06:50)
4. In Trinidad and Tobago, Attorney General Ramesh Maharaj insists that there is no proof any of the 105 death row prisoners have been wrongly convicted (06:51-08:05)
5. Jamaica's Opposition Leader Edward Seaga gives his views on Caribbean federalism and has accused the government of introducing federalism through the backdoor. Carol Orr reports (08:06-09:44)
6. The CARICOM Audit team continues in Guyana while there is intense public debates on whether the major political parties should agree to some form of power sharing. Colin Smith reports (09:45-12:33)
7. In Montserrat, the government presented the country's largest ever budget. Interviews with Easton Farrell and Gregory Julius on what they would like to see (12:34-15:05)

