Caribbean Report 16-06-1993



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:40)
2. EC members of the ruling council of the GATT have asked for more time to study a GATT report which challenges the current EC banana regime. The GATT disputes panel recently upheld a claim by Latin American banana producers that the regime is discriminating and incompatible with the GATT’s principles. It also questions the application in the GATT of the preferential trade concept of the Lomé agreement with the ACP countries. Interview with Charles Savarin, Dominica and OECS representative to the European Union (00:41-04:18)
3. Exiled Haitian President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide is rejecting a number of conditions laid down for his return to office by the Haitian parliament. He is said to be relying on an expected UN embargo against the military backed de facto government. Interview with Michael Barnes, US attorney and advisor to President Aristide (04:19-07:29)
4. In the British House of Lords, the Overseas Development Minister, Baroness Chalker responded to questions on the withdrawal of British troops from Belize. Labour peer, Lord Taylor was less optimistic while Lord Orr-Ewing was concerned about the withdrawal and its impact on the drug trade in Belize (07:30-10:15)
5. In Britain, the Department of Transport has criticized the actions of a BWIA crew over its handling of an emergency situation. The accident happened on a flight from Frankfurt to St. Lucia, last March. According to the report, the crew of the flight refused to acknowledge that an emergency has taken place after part of an engine covering fell off. The report also said that the British tower had asked the pilot to land at another airport but chose to go to Heathrow. The report concludes that the pilot’s decision was largely based on the inconvenience which would consequently be experienced by the crew after they landed rather than the condition of the plane. In a statement, BWIA rejected the conclusion and supported the pilot’s decision for want of good reason from the air traffic control (10:16-11:50)
6. Discussions have developed in the OECS over its Brussels’ mission in the EC. The joint mission is spearheaded by Dominican diplomat, Charles Savarin. Conflicting reports circulating says that he has been recalled and on the other that he was leaving voluntarily. Interview with Charles Savarin who said that he has been recalled after six years (11:51-13:54)
7. Wrap up of Report (13:55-15:05)

