Caribbean Report 24-01-1990


The program focuses on the call by a human rights activists in Haiti to isolate the Haitian President, General Prosper Avril, following the exile of opposition leaders from the country. Secondly, Eugenia Charles, Prime Minister of Dominica announces that travel restrictions in the Eastern Caribbean will soon be lifted for OECS citizens. In the next segment, the United States denies claims by a Havana newspaper that it was attempting to intimidate Cuba by carrying out naval manoeuvres in waters near the island. The United States asserts that the naval presence is part of a long-planned exercise carried out jointly with other NATO forces. Following the Financial Market news, the report centres on the opening of the Uruguay Round, a five-day regional seminar on the multi-lateral trade negotiations in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. In the sporting segment, Clive Lloyd, manager of the West Indies cricket team warns his players not to be complacent during the upcoming English tour. The segment also provides excerpts from the opening ceremony of the 14th Commonwealth Games in New Zealand, highlighting the upcoming 100 meters race between Linford Christie and Jamaican sprinter, Ray Stewart.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00 - 00:29)
2. Human rights activists in Haiti call on Caribbean countries to isolate General Avril. Brian Jarman interviews Jean Bajeux, Director of the Ecumenical Centre for Human Rights in Port-au-France (00:30-03:14)
3. Lifting of Travel restrictions for OECS citizens. Interview with Eugenia Charles, Prime Minister of Dominica (03:15-05:45)
4. US denies threatening Cuba. Adrian Porter reports from New York (05:46-07:29)
5. Financial News. Hue Williams, Kleinwort Benson Securities comments on the recent rise in the price of gold (07:30-09:02)
6. Opening of the Uruguay Round in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Ira Mathur reports with an interview with Orlando Marville, Barbados ambassador to EEC in Brussels (09:03-11:33)
7. Sporting segment. Hugh Crosskill interviews Clive Lloyd on the upcoming English cricket tour; and Lindford Christie comments from New Zealand (11:34-14:58)

