Caribbean Report 16-01-2002



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:26)
2. The US treatment of prisoners from Afghanistan is drawing criticism from human rights groups, the media and the British Parliament. The International Red Cross, the only organisation that will be able to see the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay are preparing to fly into the base (00:27-05:13)
3. Trinidad and Tobago’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce says the political deadlock in the country is beginning to impact on business. Tony Fraser reports on the concerns of the business community (05:14-07:15)
4. One of Anitgua’s best hotels, Half Moon Bay lies empty after being damaged by Hurricane Luis in 1995, with the government and the owners arguing over who is to blame (07:16-11:51)
5. Hoteliers in French Saint Martin say they are in recovery mode after the recent, crippling nine day strike there (11:52-13:57)
6. Haitian President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide is in the Dominican Republic for discussions with the authorities there for the return of Guy Philippe a former police officer alleged to have master-minded the December 17 attack on Haiti’s national palace (13:58-15:30)

