Caribbean Report 21-06-1990


The leader of Suriname’s rebel Jungle Commando, Ronnie Brunswick, arrived in Paris from French Guiana and is placed under house arrest until a country of asylum is found for him. This action of the French has angered a magistrate in French Guiana who was ordered to send Ronnie Brunswick to Paris before charges could be laid against him. Following the Financial News, seven years after the US invaded Grenada in October 1983, James Ferguson publishes a book entitled “Grenada Revolution in Reverse.” In the book he addresses the impact of the failure of the US to fulfil its promises to the Grenadians and the demise of the Coalition New National Party. In the next segment, officials in Puerto Rico state that eleven men from the Dominican Republic died from exposure to a pesticide while attempting to stow away aboard a ship bound for the US. The report concludes with the criticism of the Jamaican born English footballer, John Barnes, for failing to perform at the international level. Oliver James, British psychologist, attributes John Barnes’ lack of performance at the World Cup tournament to his childhood beatings from his mother, and the mother of John Barnes fervently disagrees with the views of Mr. James.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:49)
2. Ronnie Brunswick, leader of the Surinamese Jungle Commando, under house arrest in Paris. Hugh Crosskill interviews Theodore Surillo, Suriname's Consulate General in French Guiana (00:50-04:03)
3. Financial News (04:04-05:47)
4. The author of a new book entitled "Grenada Revolution in Reverse" says that the country is still traumatised by the events of October 1983. Interview with author James Ferguson (05:48-10:14)
5. Eleven men died after an attempt to stowaway from the Dominican Republic (10:15-10:41)
6. British psychologist claims that the performance of footballer John Barnes is linked to a history of childhood abuse. Leslie Garth interviews psychologist Oliver James and the mother of John Barnes, Jean Barnes (10:42-15:16)

