Caribbean Report 07-10-1991



Table of Contents

Headlines (00:00-00:34)
Deposed Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide flew to Jamaica this afternoon for a meeting with Prime Minister Michael Manley and is expected to return to Caracas tonight. Senior OAS diplomats returned to Haiti today to persuade the military to allow Father Aristide's return and the OAS delegation is also presently holding a meeting at the Haitian. Meanwhile thousands of Haitians are fleeing Port-au-Prince fearing that any attempt to reinstate Father Aristide could lead to renewed violence. Interview with Louis Dejoie, leader of the opposition National Agricultural and Industrial Party. Larry Burns, Director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs in Washington also comments on the role of the United States in the present Haitian crisis (00:35-10:03)
The Chairman of the Elections Commission in Guyana is meeting all political parties in a last-minute bid to clear up controversy surrounding the voters registration list. All parties agree that the preliminary electoral roll published two weeks ago is not accurate. The opposition is saying that the list is clearly fraudulent but according to the ruling party the errors are only minor. Sharief Khan reports from Georgetown (10:04-12:13)
A British Labour Party MP expresses concern over the build-up to elections in Guyana. In an interview with Sandra Baptiste, George Foulkes is pressing for British parliamentary representation on the Commonwealth team to monitor elections in Guyana (12:14-14:52)

