Caribbean Report 28-09-1995

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Richards, Ken (anchor)
The British Broadcasting Corporation
Douglas, Rosie (interviewee)
Smith, Clifford (correspondent)
Scott, Jerry (interviewee)
Niles, Bertram (correspondent)
Blake, Byron (interviewee)
Darmuzey, Philippe (interviewee)
Norton, Michael (correspondent)
Orr, Carol (correspondent)

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The British Broadcasting Corporation


In this report the US announces its decision to take its case against Europe's banana regime to the WTO. Dominica's Opposition Leader Rosie Douglas stresses the need for strong Caribbean unity to deal with the threat against the region's banana industry. The EU officials have agreed to take part in the consultations but gave no sign that they will change the import system to suit Washington. St. Vincent's Jerry Scott comments on whether the government regards the US move to file a complaint as a hostile act. Meanwhile, CARICOM and non-English speaking Caribbean countries undergo their own process of integration under the banner of CARIFORUM. Philippe Darmuzey, former head of the European Delegation in Barbados states that the development of CARIFORUM was no accident and anticipates that this grouping could be extended in the future. In Haiti, the results of the election show an overwhelming victory for the Lavalas platform endorsed by President Aristide. In Britain, black and Asian members of the ruling Conservative Party state they are being discriminated against in the selection of candidates for the next general elections. A jury in London has sentenced Peter Thurston to life in prison, after being convicted of murder. Thurston firebombed his neighbours who were holding a reggae party above his flat. A tropical depression being tracked by Meteorlogical officials could affect western Cuba with heavy rainfall.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Ken Richards (00:00-00:20)
2. There is an appeal for Caribbean unity to tackle the region's banana crisis as the US takes its challenge to the WTO (00:21-07:29)
3. CARICOM and non-English speaking Caribbean countries undergo their own process of integration (07:30-10:29)
4. Haiti's election results reflect support for President Aristide (10:30-12:41)
5. The issue of race arises in British politics (12:42-14:20)
6. Jury sentences Peter Thurston to life for murder after he firebombed his neighbour (14:21-14:43)
7. Meteorlogical officials track a tropical depression that could affect western Cuba (14:44-15:05)

