Caribbean Report 25-02-1999



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Ken Richards (00:27)
2. Telephone services between the US and Cuba were disrupted overnight as Cuban officials suspended the service over non-payment of bills to Cuba by the Cuban Telephone company. Lisandro Pérez, Director of the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University in Miami speaks on the effects of the action on Cubans living in Miami. BBC US Affairs analyst Jonathan Marcus contends that the disruption of telephone operations is a growing reflection of Cuban authorities’ opposition to ties with the US. Ken Richards reports (00:28 – 06:38)
3. Advancing the proposed CARICOM single market economy will be a key issue addressed at the CARICOM Heads of Government at the intercessional meeting scheduled for Suriname. Other agenda items include the banana trade war between the European Union and the US, the volcano eruption in Montserrat, and the current crisis in West Indies cricket . Keith Stone Greaves interviews Dominica’s Prime Minister Edison James on his expectations of the intercessional talks (06:39 – 09:04)
4. Anguilla Supervisor of Elections Colville Petty announced that the election machinery is in place for the March 4 elections. Training has been provided for Returning Officers but there are some concerns on the issuance of the voters’ list (09:05 – 10:42)
5. This year the United Nation campaign against the spread of AIDS is focusing on changing attitude in the Caribbean and Latin America. AIDS campaigner Tamara Reneaux comments on the issue of machismo which compels young men to have sex at a young age. Claire Doyle reports on the increase in the number of cases with 1.3 million persons affected (10:43 – 12:26)
6. In London, a memorial in honour of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence was vandalised. Lawrence family lawyer Imran Khan comments on the incidence and his intention to file a suit on behalf of Lawrence’s parents. Keith Stone Greaves reports (12:27 - 14:28)
7. In the US a court in Texas has sentenced white supremacist John William King to death for killing a black man James Byrd in 1999 (14: 29 - 15:17)

