Caribbean Report 15-09-1997



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:33)
2. Montserrat's Chief Minister goes to Downing Street and gets a new airstrip for the island. From Downing Street Mr Brandt went to the Royal Albert Hall to attend a benefit rock concert for Montserrat. Chief Minister David Brandt is interviewed and Emma Joseph reports (00:34-03:52)
3. Britain has announced millions of pounds as aid expected to benefit the poorer members of the Commonwealth groupings. The government is willing to cancel debts provided that the results are used to benefit the poor. Oxfam International has called on governments in developing countries attempting to promote economic growth to also pursue policies to reduced poverty. Kevin Watkins, Author and Harold Brown of Oxfam International are interviewed (03:53-06:27)
4. There has been growing discussion around the region about the wider implications of last week's World Trade Organisation ruling against Europe's banana import arrangements. The ruling is expected to impact on the export trade which has been one of the mainstays for the Windwind Islands economies. However, the St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce has responded to those comments asking Caribbean countries not to panic in response to the WTO ruling, Brian Louisy, Executive Director, St. Lucia Chamber of Commerce and Rupert Gajadhar, Chairman of St. Lucia Banana Growers Association are interviewed (06:28-10:21)
5. Concerts for Montserratians at the Royal Albert Hall, London and Gerald's Park in Montserrat. Emma Joseph reports (10:22-15:27)

