Big Data Security and Privacy in Libraries: An Overview of Protecting Against Cyber Attacks


Nowadays, libraries are witnessing a Big Data deluge and on this basis security and privacy have become pressing issues and measures will have to be implemented to ensure protection from intrusions and cyber attacks. Also, for insights surrounding innovative approaches to predict and prevent data breaches in libraries. Because of this, libraries would have to reimagine traditional solutions and forge ahead by discovering new ways and strategies to keep up with technology savvy hackers. The poster focuses on the aims and strategies deployed to strengthen security levels preventing trespassing at the entrances of libraries. Furthermore, Hadoop security will illuminate the layers of security such as validation, encryption, and trusted mechanisms, with a closer look at cloud security which is critical for securing data. Likewise, Monitoring supports the readiness of the infrastructure, hence detecting abnormal behavior, and how serious the risks are by estimating the impact an incident would have. Specifically, auditing strategies can tackle the magnitude of data storage, key management is essential for group transfer and group sharing data promotes the scalability of anonymization and preservation of data security. The poster offers recommendations for actionable initiatives and closing the skill gap with library staff training to manage and identify potential cyber attacks. Additionally, engaging and preparing scenarios for events of breaches of security. Safeguarding networks and sensitive data from hackers are fundamental as libraries have to keep current with antivirus and malware protection, in the industry ensuring library operations are protected in the Big Data terrain.


Poster presented at 53rd Association of Caribbean University Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL) Conference held on 12–16 May, 2024 in Georgetown, Guyana.

Table of Contents


Big data, Cyberterroism, Privacy
