Caribbean Report 03-07-1990


The issue of proper security by the Haitian army during the upcoming November 4th elections is addressed by Susan Clyde, US Embassy spokesman, in response to comments by Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Secondly, a student is killed and three others seriously injured in violent clashes between the police and demonstrators over social and political discontent in the Dominican Republic. Following the Financial News, the Executive Board of the International Coffee Organization met in London to discuss the prospects of a new coffee agreement to assist in stabilizing the fluctuating prices of coffee. In the final segment, the ACP Working Group on Bananas meets in Brussels on Friday to formulate a common position for the regulation of the banana trade in Europe after 1992. The Caribbean countries hope that consideration will be given to the Caricom position which was drafted after the controversial proposals of the British government did not meet the expectations of the Caricom banana producers.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:35)
2. Susan Clyde, US Embassy spokesman, comments on the security issues in the upcoming Haitian elections in November (00:36-04:27)
3. Student killed and three seriously injured as demonstrators and police clash in the Dominican Republic (04:28-06:59)
4. Financial News. Nicholas Nightingale of Tate and Lyle comments on the company's commitment to the sugarcane industry in light of the competition from beet (07:00-08:54)
5. International Coffee Organization meets to discuss new coffee agreement to help stabilize fluctuating prices. Comments from Robin Stainer, Commodity Analyst (08:55-10:24)
6. ACP officials to discuss Caricom banana proposals in Brussels. Richard Gunn, OECS Ambassador to London (10:25-14:30)

