Caribbean Report 23-04-1993


The Jamaican government has won a legal victory in its bid to determine which inmates on death row will face the death penalty - Gary Allen reports. Next, Trinidad economist Dr. Carl Theodore, Dean of the UWI Faculty of Social Sciences is recommending that the government adopt and incomes policy in relation to prices and the needs of the market, in order to bring a balance to the negotiations between government, businesses and labour - Tony Fraser reports. The Governor of the East Central Bank has brushed aside suggestions that the EC dollar may need to be devalued as a result of the floatation TandT dollar EC dollar - Yvette Rowe reports. Frustrating international efforts to solve Haiti’s problems may prove futile for the de facto government according to Professor Paul R. Latortue, economist at the University of Puerto Rico says that the military cannot stall the international community action indefinitely and support for Aristide is not waning – Yvette Rowe reports. And, British campaigners are calling on Britain for an end to the 30 year inhumane Cuba embargo.


Table of Contents

Headlines with anchor Yvette Rowe (00:26)
1. The Jamaican government has won a legal victory in its bid to determine which inmates on death row will face the death penalty (00:27- 02:33).
2. Trinidad economist Dr. Carl Theodore, Dean of the UWI Faculty of Social Sciences is recommending that the government adopt and incomes policy in relation to prices and the needs of the market, in order to bring a balance to the negotiations between government, businesses and labour (02:34 – 05:17).
3. The Governor of the East Central Bank has brushed aside suggestions that the EC dollar may need to be devalued as a result of the floatation TandT dollar EC dollar (05:18 -09:19).
4. Frustrating international efforts to solve Haiti’s problems may prove futile for the de facto government according to Professor Paul R. Latortue, Economist at the University of Puerto Rico (09:20 -12:14).
5. British campaigners are calling on Britain for an end to the 30 year inhumane Cuba embargo (12:15 - 14:48).

