Caribbean Report 03-01-1990


The program begins by examining the role of Caricom in the fight against apartheid. During his African tour, Mr. Roosevelt “Rosie” Douglas, leader of Dominica’s Opposition Labour Party talks with representatives of South Africa’s ANC Party on the release of Nelson Mandela. Mr. Douglas also comments on the role of the Caribbean states in response to the call by the ANC for increased international pressure and comprehensive economic sanctions in dismantling apartheid. The second segment, addresses a spate of violent attacks on police stations and police officers in Suriname, and the establishment of a Special Police Unit to combat the violence. According to the report, it is widely suspected that the perpetrators are the Amerindians who are angry over the arrest of a group of Indians accused of armed robbery. Leo Morpurgo, Associate Press Writer, provides details of the new police unit and hints that the violence is linked to an increase in drug trafficking in Suriname. Thirdly, the Financial Market news offers an explanation by Jim Lennon, Associate Director of Metals Research at Shearson Lehman Hutton Securities as to why the Caribbean nickel producers, particularly in the Dominican Republic and Cuba, should not be concerned about the recent decrease in nickel prices. The final segment covers Linton Kwasi Johnson, the Jamaican dub poet, who recently returned to Britain after being the first artist from the west to stage a concert at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk, Poland. The concert supported the anti-apartheid movement and marked the 8th anniversary of the abolition of martial law in Poland. Leslie Garth interviews Johnson on his experience in Eastern Europe, the audience at the concert and the implications of the changes in Eastern Europe for the Caribbean. Includes musical excerpts from Linton Kwasi Johnson and Daab, a Polish reggae underground band.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00 - 00:51)
2. Caricom and the fight against Apartheid (00:52-04:50)
3. Violence against police in Suriname (04:51-07:56)
4. Financial Market (07:57-09:49)
5. Reggae music in Poland (09:50-14:49)

