Caribbean Report 02-08-1989



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:46-01:32)
2. English players signed up for the rebel tour of South Africa maintain that their decisions were not financially motivated but few of their critics agree. Samuel Ramsamy from an anti-apartheid sport group report is interviewed. Joe Posnanski, the South African Cricket Union President comments. John Perlman, Sports Editor of the Johannesburg Weekly Mail Paper believes the money is a contentious issue. Nigel Wrench of the BBC reports (1:33-04:43)
3. Commonwealth Secretary General, Sir Shridath Ramphal joins the chorus of condemnation as the rebel controversy heats up. John Humphrys interviews Sir Shridath Ramphal in view of the upcoming Commonwealth Games as well as sports commentator Ron Pickering (04:44-08:39)
4 . Financial news (08:40-10:13)
5. In the Bahamas the opposition spokesman for the environment rejects government's plans for disposing of US hazardous waste. Pat Whitehorne interviews James Pinder, MP for the area involved (10:14-12:42)
6. Guyana's Patriotic Collision for Democracy agrees on a plan as to who would represent its interests at the upcoming talks on electoral reform with President Hoyte (12:43-14:28)
7. With the controversy surrounding the English cricketers' rebel tour of South Afica, Mike Gatting is chosen as the man to lead the squad of sixteen. He makes his first public statement on this issue. British Sports Minister Colin Moynihan comments (14:29-15:44)

