Caribbean Report 14-07-1993



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:40)
2. Barbados’ Prime Minister, Erskine Sandiford speaking at the 14th CARICOM Summit in Nassau referred to a proposal for some sort of three-way union involving Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana. Mr. Sandiford said that he would want to see each country retaining power over major areas of economic and political activity with specific responsibilities given to a central body to deal with coordination. Speaker, Erskine Sandiford, Prime Minister of Barbados. Interviews with Patrick Manning, Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago and Cheddi Jagan, President of Guyana. Hugh Crosskill reports (00:41-03:30)
3. Hearings to determine the future of the 936 Programme begin in Washington with indications that the scale down package will at least still be beneficial to the region. Under the 936 Programme, Caribbean and other Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI) countries have access to loan funds which are derived from tax concessions granted to US firms operating in Puerto Rico. The ongoing review of US tax laws could severely reduce the money available for lending. Interview with Richard Burnell, Jamaica’s Ambassador to the US (03:31-06:56)
4. In London, the Privy Council hearing of an appeal by two Jamaican death row prisoners concluded. The Privy Council was considering the appeal from Earl Pratt and Ivan Morgan on the basis that the many years they have served on death row constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and contrary to the Jamaican constitution. Yvette Rowe reports (06:57-08:27)
5. Cuban President, Fidel Castro has appealed to his Latin American colleagues on the eve of the Iberia-American Summit in Brazil for greater Latin American integration. At the Summit, President Castro is also expected to press for an improvement in trade and diplomatic relations between the Caribbean and Latin America. That message would come in the wake of the decision by CARICOM leaders at the Nassau Summit to establish a CARICOM-Cuba Commission. Lionel Martin reports (08:28-11:17)
6. The resignation of Barbados’ opposition leader, Henry Ford has been the subject of widespread debate in Barbados. Much of the debate centers on his successor and emerging names include Barbados Labour Party (BLP) spokesman, Owen Arthur and former Health and Education Minister, Billie Miller (11:18-14:25)
7. The second round in a series of UN brokered talks aimed at restoring democracy in Haiti began in New York. One of the main stumbling blocks to a decisive outcome was removed when twelve Haitian law makers scrapped their objections to a clause in the Aristide-Cedras’ agreement which allows the President to name a new Prime Minister (14:26-15:00)

