Caribbean Report 03-01-1994


The Report opens with a commentary on the ranking of Caribbean as a top tourist destination. But things are not perfect in paradise as the first report highlights the New Year strike in Barbados by hotel workers. The report also looks at the reasons the Caribbean is seen as a top tourist destination. Another report looks at the high levels of crime in Jamaica. Following this there is a segment on the resignation of politician Senator Brian Kuei Tung in Trinidad and Tobago. After this report, there is news of the economic problems facing Cuba and the attempts by the government to curb crime in Puerto Rico by seizing control of housing projects. The programme ends with news of the murder of a Guyanese Roman Catholic priest in Jamaica.


Table of Contents

Headlines (00:00-00:25)
Musical interlude: strains of the song Barbados by Typically Tropical (00:26-00:38)
1. Barbados and their Caribbean destinations seen as top tourist locations but Barbados begins the New Year with a strike by hotel workers as their union failed to agree with management over a profit sharing formula(00:39-01:53)
2. Interview with Peter Odle, President of the Barbados Hotelier Association who comments that the strike action was quickly resolved so there was little impact on Barbados’ tourism industry; nevertheless he says that there was a plan to carry out major public relations in all the areas where Barbados conducts business (00:38-01:53)
3. Interview with Fiona Jefferies, Director of the World Travel Market in London outlines some of the reason Caribbean destinations have become more popular with travelers(02:11-02:38)
4. Carol Orr (anchor) reports that in 1994 Barbados is tipped as a popular destination, closely followed by St. Lucia, Antigua and Jamaica (02:39-2:59)
5. Interview with David Barber, European Marketing Director of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, who discusses the reasons why travel agents are becoming more interested in the region. Some of the reasons include increased access, more scheduled flights and the exposure to different cultures. The countries in the Caribbean that are suffering are those that do not have direct access from Europe. He notes that the most challenging destination to sell is Guyana because it is not traditionally associated with the Caribbean (03:00-04:56)
6. Gary Alleyne(correspondent) reports on the crime and violence in Jamaica, it is only 3 days into the New Year and the 10 persons have died under tragic circumstances: a sixteen year old gas been charged for murdering another 16 year old boy and two European tourists have been found hanging, the police suspect suicide. In the previous year, over 600 persons lost their lives to violent crime. In New Year’s messages, national leaders were unanimous in their view that controlling violent crime was a major challenge in 1994. In a television interview, Police Commission, Trevor MacMillan described the increase in crime and violence as disturbing. He surmised that the increase was largely due to gang related incidents with deportees playing a significant role. Analysts say that if Jamaica’s crime rate continues, it will discourage investment in Jamaica and affect the local and regional attractiveness of the Caribbean as a tourist destination (05:00-06:51)
7. Tony Fraser reports that the issue of politicians pay is given serious consideration with the resignation of Trade and Tourism Minister Senator Brian Kuei Tung. Ministers who joined the Patrick Manning government in 1991 were finding it hard to adjust to the meager salaries compared to the professional fees they earned in private life. Very early in the administration’s tenure, a recommended salary increase was accepted but had to be suspended because of the public outcry against the government ministers getting increased salaries at the same time calling on the population to sacrifice was not seen as being politically expedient. The Chamber of Commerce and the Manufacturer’s Association clearly state that Senator Kuei Tung’s replacement should be someone who understands trade matters (07:10:-09:00)
8.Lionel Martin (correspondent) reports on the problems faced by Cuba due to the economic embargo imposed by the United States government. At the beginning of the report, President Fidel Castro’s can be heard in the background giving a speech to commemorate the 35th Anniversary of the Cuban revolution. The report continues by discussing the negative effects of the United States embargo on Cuba. The correspondent interviews Saul Landau of the Institute of Policy Studies, Washington, D.C., who is of the view that the embargo would wreak serious havoc on the island (09:01-11:22)
9. According to the report, Puerto Rico has the highest crime per capita region but poverty, crime and migration remain one of the country’s biggest problems. The country is considered a war zone. Frederick Dove reports on the Puerto Rican government’s initiative to curb crime by taking over housing projects. So far 27 projects had been taken over by the government. The correspondent interviewed Domingo Gonzales of the Puerto Rican National Guard about the initiative (11:23-14:11)
10. Report of a Guyanese Roman Catholic priest, Father Ron Peters who was shot to death in Kingston (14:12-14:39)
Caribbean report theme (14:40- 14:50)

