Caribbean Report 11-08-1993



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:35)
2. According to Paul Sutton, Lecturer in Politics at Hull University, CARICOM needs to learn to play by a different set of rules when dealing with Latin America. Dr. Sutton says the move by Central American countries to distance themselves from CARICOM-Cuba Commission and Latin America’s tract record on other issues including bananas show that the old rules do not apply. Interview with Paul Sutton, Senior Lecturer, Hull University (00:36-04:09)
3. The Haitian Senate has ended three weeks of political deadlock by electing a speaker who is a supporter of ousted President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The election of pro Aristide senator, Firmin Jean-Louis as Senate President paves the way for the nomination of a new Prime Minister and the lifting of international sanctions. Debbie Ransome reports (04:10-06:10)
4. Pope John Paul II has moved on to Mexico on the second leg of an eight-day tour. The final stage would take him to the US. His visit to Jamaica raised many issues ranging from the rising rate of crime to the Catholic position on artificial birth control. Hostile objections to his presence were minor compared with the urban welcome he found amongst the majority of residents. Interview with Rex Nettleford, Professor, The University of the West Indies (6:11-09:47)
5. The British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Baroness Chalker left the Caribbean after a three-day visit to Barbados, Dominica and Anguilla. Baroness Chalker signed a three-year 10.5 million pounds’ bilateral aid package in Anguilla. As Geraldine Coughlan reports, the agreement is part of a new approach to British development aid in the Caribbean (09:48-11:21)
6. In London, a Yardie gang member has received a life sentence for murder. Jamaican born, Leroy Leslie was convicted for the murder of twenty-five-year-old, Andre Blackman and the attempted murder of another man. Police says Leslie was a high ranking Yardie gang member and praised members of the black community for coming forward as witnesses. Interview with Detective Inspector, Michael Cray and Pauline Mills, a family friend of the victim (11:22-13:52)
7. The family of Joy Gardner took their calls for a public inquiry into her death to No. 10, Downing Street. Joy Gardner collapsed and later died after a struggle with police and immigration officers. The family delivered the letter to the Prime Minister. Opposition Labour MP, Bernie Grant described the contents of the letter. Interview with Bernie Grant, MP, Labour Party (13:53-14:50)

