[Mill at Morgan Lewis, St. Andrew, Barbados, West Indies]




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The Main Library, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados is responsible for making this digital resource available.


The Morgan Lewis mill is located in the parish of St. Andrew, Barbados. This mill was the last working mill in Barbados which stopped operating in 1947. It is one of two sugar windmills in the Caribbean that has been restored. The restored mill was reopened in 1999. It was listed in the 1996 World Monuments Watch. The image shows the front of the mill. At the back of the postcard: "Greetings, I have just spent the afternoon on the beach making the most of this beautiful weather. Am sure it’s going to be very cold this time next week in NY. This cruise is now almost over, we have only one more [town] to operate, that is tomorrow in St, Vincent. Wish you could be here to have a pleasant lunch with us, ah well, will have one for you." Regards. [Dug]. To Miss A. D. Paton, Fairchley House, Crakehall, Bedale, Yorks, England. Includes a 15 Cents Barbados postage stamp.


Portrait; colour

Table of Contents


Windmills, Historic sites, Postcards

