Caribbean Report 01-09-1999 



Table of Contents

1. Headlines with anchor Keith Stone Greaves (00:00 - 00:49)
2. BBC Reporter Keith Stone Greaves provides in-depth coverage of the future of the World Trade Organization following the installation of new Director General Michael Moore. Claire Doyle interviews Mr. Moore in Geneva on his long term plans for the organization including his priority for providing resources for small states to improve living standards. CARICOM chief negotiator Sir Shridath Ramphal shares his view on Moore’s role as ‘champion’ of small country interests (00: 50 - 07:49)
3. CARICOM countries are actively seeking new mechanisms to solve all aspects of the drug trafficking problems and related crime issues in the region. Antigua and Barbuda US Organization of American States (OAS) Ambassador Lionel Hurst and Professor Ivor Griffith of Florida International University discuss the need for evaluation and certification by countries such as Colombia and Brazil in the fight against drugs (07:50 - 09:42)
4. Guyana government is aggressively debating a ruling from the Pay Dispute Tribunal which awarded state workers a pay raise of thirty one percent, a six point increase over government original offer of pay hike. Charges were leveled by tribunal chairman Aubrey Armstrong that elements in government were putting undue pressure on him for a decision. Guyana Labour Minister Henry Jeffrey analyses the decision to increase wages (09:43 – 12:43)
5. The British government introduced new laws cracking down on travelers who misbehave onboard flights. These new legislations follow what is being reported as a four hundred percent increase in air rage. Orin Gordon reports on the plans to publicly disseminate air rage statistics to the travelling public (12:44 – 15:00)
6. There are increasing calls from Britain and France to push for tighter control for tax havens located in the Caribbean region. These countries issued a warning that if there is non-compliance by territories in the region a retaliatory ban will be imposed on all financial dealings within the region (15:01 – 15:30)

