Caribbean Report 25-10-1991



Table of Contents

1. Haiti’s interim President Jean-Jacques Honore states that the country will plunge into civil war if ousted President Jean Bertrand Aristide is allowed to return to office. He maintains that the events following the recent coup do not represent a breach of the Haitian constitution and he merely stepped in to fill a constitutional vacuum. Comments from Jean-Jacques Honore (00:00-02:13)
2. The international embargo against Haiti by the OAS is yet to take full effect and not all countries have decided to enforce it. Jamaica’s Foreign Minister, David Core, is concerned about Air Jamaica’s continued servicing of the route to Haiti (02:14-03:28)
3. Haiti’s interim government has issued an invitation to the OAS to send in another mission which is expected to be headed by former Colombian Foreign Minister (03:29-03:49)
4. Jean-Jacques Honore comments on the return of Father Aristide and the possibility of civil war in Haiti (03:50-09:03)
5. Jean-Claude Bajeux, a leading Haitian human rights activist, responds to the views of Jean-Jacques Honore and the reinstatement of the Aristide government (09:04-14:57)

