Caribbean Report 27-10-1998



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:26)
2. Belize and other Central American countries are on high alert as a major hurricane approaches. Meteorologist Jack Beven at the National Hurricane Centre, Miami is interviewed. Ava Diaz, reporter with the Broadcasting Corporation in Belize are interviewed. Chelston Lee reports (00:27-04:14)
3. Police in Jamaica meantime have reported that a seven year old boy died when he was washed away in flooding caused by Hurricane Mitch. The storm dumped several inches of rain in Jamaica over the weekend (04:15-04:35)
4. Caribbean Disaster Relief Emergency Response Agency (CDERA) says it is ready to provide any assistance to Belize following the passage of Hurricane Mitch. Jeremy Collymore, CDERA is interviewed (04:36-05:49)
5. Telecommunications in the OECS are up for review at St. Lucia meeting tomorrow. Director General of the OECS Secretriat in Castries Swinburne Lestrade is interviewed (05:50-07:28)
6. Why some observers say free trade is hurting Caribbean business. Congressman Charles Rangel is interviewed and Roy Osana reports (07:29-10:03)
7. This is the first occasion in years that the private sector has come out in force against the government to say that their policy is simply not working and is time for a change. President of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica Christopher Cameron is interviewed and Carol Orr reports from Kingston (10:04-11:24)
8. Mr Duprey notes that the manufacturing sector in places such as Jamaica, Barbados and even Trinidad and Tobago have already got serious blows from liberalisation. The BWIA chairman says that while the developed world preaches free trade to region's such as the Caribbean it does not practice it even amongst itself. Mr Duprey is interviewed and Tony Fraser reports (11:25-12:23)
9. Campaigners against child sex tourism in the Caribbean and other parts of the world have asked British travel organisations to help them stamp out the practice. End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking Christine Beddoe (ECPAT) is interviewed and Warren Gordon reports (12:24-15:24)

