Caribbean Report 29-05-1992



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:35)
2. Jamaican Finance Minister Hugh Small calls on CARICOM to reduce the top rate of the common external tariff (CET) which currently stands at 45%. Dr. Carlyle Mitchell, Director of OECS Economic Secretariat in Antigua, says the proposal is likely to find favour with the leaders and business community in the sub-regional grouping. Comments are also given by Wendell Mottley, Trinidad and Tobago Finance Minister (00:36-05:10)
3. The Jamaican budget delivered yesterday promises a lowering of income tax levels, further plans to bring down the rate of inflation and an attempt to achieve a budget surplus. Financial journalist Canute James comments on the government’s financial plans (05:11-07:53)
4. Canadian Economist Kari Levitt believes Jamaica has followed the liberalization model too assiduously and is caught in a debt trap brought on by extreme liberalization conditions (07:54-09:46)
5. Dominica’s opposition United Workers’ Party leads a demonstration against the sale of Dominican passports to Taiwanese investors. Correspondent Mike Bruney reports (09:49-13:08)
6. Haiti’s ousted President Jean-Bertrand Aristide meets today with United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali in his bid to get an international blockade of Haiti. Correspondent Jon Leyne reports (13:09-14:37)
7. Jamaica’s Foreign Minister David Core announces that Jamaica will now take up to 150 Haitians, fifty more than the January quota (14:38-14:51)

