Caribbean Report 16-08-1990



Table of Contents

1. Headlines (00:00-00:37)
2. Acute shortage of fuel in Haiti brought several Haitian towns to a virtual standstill. Michelle Montague reports from Port-au-Prince that the fuel reserves in the country have been exhausted (00:38-02:45)
3. High on the agenda of an upcoming meeting between Guyana’s President Desmond Hoyte and Venezuelan’s President Carlos Perez is an end to the long-standing border dispute. Discussions will also focus on the exchange of bauxite for oil and the establishment of a transmission line from Venezuela to supply hydro-electric power to Guyana. Sharief Khan reports (02:46-04:34)
4. Financial News (04:35-05:25)
5. Early election in Trinidad and Tobago has been ruled out due to the extended state of emergency and the general security situation in the country. Dr. Selwyn Ryan, Director of the Institute of Social and Economic Research at UWI comments on the calling of a snap election and speculations of a counter coup by members of the ruling National Alliance for Reconstruction party (05:26-08:48)
6. St. Lucia’s Trade Minister, George Mallet, states that it’s unlikely that potential foreign investors in the Caribbean will be deterred by the recent crisis in Trinidad and Tobago (08:49-11:26)
7. Jamaica’s Michael Manley undergoes prostate cancer surgery in New York and Hartely Nieta reports that the surgery was a complete success (11:27-12:52)
8. Since January 1990, more than 350 persons have been murdered in Jamaica and the recent stabbing of a ten year old girl over 140 times has revealed a new breed of criminals in Jamaican society. Interview with a Jamaican psychologist, Dr. Aggrey Irons (12:53-14:50)

