Caribbean Report 11-09-1995


In this report, the Caribbean cleans up after hurricane Luis. In Antigua and Barbuda cleanup and restoration operations are in full swing. Meanwhile, both the Dutch and French side of St. Martin have been assessing the damages and residents speak about the cleanup efforts. In St. Kitts, PAHO's Jean-Louis Bordonado stated that a shortage of medical and educational equipment poses the largest problem after the hurricane. In Antigua, residents make insurance claims as rebuilding continues. Prime Minister Lester Bird criticises CARICOM for the failure to decide on a reinsurance scheme for the region. In response, CARICOM Deputy Secretary-General Byron Blake states that a report on regional reinsurance is expected by year-end. The Antigua government will have to address the long-term effects on tourism since holiday makers have been advised not to travel to the island. Airtours spokesperson Helen Williamson has indicated that all their holiday makers were relocated to Jamaica. Interviews with various travel agencies in London on booking a flight to Antigua revealed mixed responses as well as some confusion. In St. Kitts, the Minister of Tourism Dwai Estefan comments that the tourism sector has escaped serious damage.


Table of Contents

1. Headlines with Carol Orr (00:00-00:34)
2. Antigua and Barbuda and St. Martin clean up after hurricane Luis (00:35-04:55)
3. Education and medical equipment are at the head of St. Kitts shopping list after the hurricane (04:56-06:29)
4. Antigua's Prime Minister Lester Bird criticises CARICOM for failure to decide on a regional reinsurance scheme (06:30-11:05)
5. Antigua prepares for a huge downturn in tourism after the hurricane (11:06-13:59)
6. Tourism in St. Kitts/Nevis has largely escaped from the brunt of hurricane Luis (14:00-15:00)

