Education Perspective (Express newspaper columns)

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    Teaching Language Arts With Vice-Y Verse-Y Love
    (Daily Express, 2002-09-03) James, Cynthia
    This article discusses strategies for teaching literary appreciation to adolescents in secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. It provides an example of the successful use of Barrington Levy's Vice Versa Love with fourth formers at a secondary school in Trinidad
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    Teacher Absenteeism
    (Daily Express, 2009-05) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article discusses the problem of teacher absenteeism in Trinidad and Tobago, drawing on the experiences of other developing countries. It suggests that programmes to cultivate a sense of patriotism, concern for national development, and professionalism are needed to address the problem
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    Education, Families, and Crime
    (Daily Express, 2009-02) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article argues that unless Trinidad and Tobago develops the right approaches to education, crime will continue to escalate
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    Empowering Our Primary Schools
    (Daily Express, 2009-02) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article argues that the primary education system in Trinidad and Tobago is totally inadequate for providing the foundation for the seamless education system being proposed by the Ministry of Education. Suggestions are made for improving the system
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    Quo Vadis, My Teacher?
    (Daily Express, 2008-10) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article bemoans the indifference of many teachers in Trinidad and Tobago to the issue of teacher professionalism, and suggests that most teachers engage in professional development only for the purpose of certification and promotion
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    Quality Assurance in Education
    (Daily Express, 2008-10) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article argues for the need for quality assurance structures to be an integral part of the education system in Trinidad and Tobago
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    New Imperative for Schooling
    (Daily Express, 2008-10) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article discusses the situation with "at risk" students--that is, students who exhibit poor academic and social skills that help to promote a general disconnection with the school culture--in schools in Trinidad and Tobago
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    Education and Policy
    (Daily Express, 2008-09) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article recommends a revisiting of the way in which educational policy in Trinidad and Tobago is conceived, implemented, and reviewed
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    Rethinking Nation Building
    (Daily Express, 2008-06) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article identifies some of the changes required in the education system of Trinidad and Tobago in order to meet the challenges of national transformation and nation building
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    Technology and Schools
    (Daily Express, 2008-05) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article identifies some challenges to the introduction of information and communication technology in schools in Trinidad and Tobago, as envisaged in the 2005 Draft Policy for Information and Communication Technology in education
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    Enhancing Teacher Quality
    (Daily Express, 2008-03) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article supports the belief that teacher quality is the most important schooling factor predicting student outcomes, and advocates for the Ministry of Education to focus more on ensuring enhanced teacher quality in schools in Trinidad and Tobago
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    School Discipline
    (Daily Express, 2007-12) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article discusses possible approaches to reducing the incidence of violence and indiscipline in schools in Trinidad and Tobago
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    Student Achievement
    (Daily Express, 2007-11) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article discusses the findings of a report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in the UK on academic achievement of students from low-income backgrounds
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    Resource Base of Schools
    (Daily Express, 2007-11) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article discusses the issues of time and goodwill as important components of the resource base of schools
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    Change in Primary Education
    (Daily Express, 2007-11) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article argues that although there has been some change in the education sector in Trinidad and Tobago with respect to the introduction of heads of department, senior teachers, and administrative assistants in primary schools, there has been no corresponding philosophy to give direction and conviction to the initiative
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    Self Esteem and Emotional Intelligence
    (Daily Express, 2007-10) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article appeals to teachers and school administrators in Trinidad and Tobago to strive to establish and sustain school climates that reocognize and embrace the philosophy that every student is important and a viable human resource to the nation
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    Power From the Teachers
    (Daily Express, 2007-06) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article identifies some examples of teacher delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago, and makes suggestions on measures that could be adopted to produce more effective teachers
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    Lessons from Ecuador
    (Daily Express, 2007-05) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article reflects on the issues addressed at the Second Ecuadorian Congress of Public Education held on 23-27 April, 2007, and considers the lessons to be learnt by Trinidad and Tobago from the discussions
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    Inhibiting Education Reform
    (Daily Express, 2007-05) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article identifies some of the factors inhibiting educational reform in the Caribbean region, and argues that unless governments in the region find ways and means of addressing these factors, the goals of the education systems will not be achieved. The article also notes the roles to be played by principals and teachers in achieving meaningful reform in the education systems of the region
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    Increasing Educational Effectiveness
    (Daily Express, 2007-03) Hackett, Raymond S.
    This article identifies some of the problems facing the educational system in Trinidad and Tobago, and makes suggestions on ways to improve the effectiveness of the system