The University of the West IndiesGordon, Warren (anchor)White, James (correspondent)Odlum, George (interviewee)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Morgan, James (interviewee)Davies, Omar (interviewee)Allum, Errol (interviewee)Clinton, Bill (interviewee)Annan, Kofi (interviewee)Watson, Ron (interviewee)2014-12-062014-12-061997-09-22CAR2411 Headlines (00:00-00:30)2. Montserrat's volcano destroys the last remaining village in the East. Montserrat's Building Society which was closed for a month opened its doors to angry depositors. James White, Jr reports (00:31-03:24)3. While the EU again critices the trade ruling against the Windward bananas China emerges as a likely market. Also, St. Lucia would sign two agreements with China for the commencement of two major project, a free trade zone and a sports stadium. St. Lucia Foreign Minister, George Odlum is interviewed and Pete Ninvalle reports (03:25-06:11)4. European and ACP banana growers met in Brussels today and rejected claims that Latin American dollar banana producers have been adversely affected by the EU banana regime (06:12-06:52)5. In Georgetown Guyana, the Agriculture Minister of Mauritius has warned that sugar could be the next target of the World Trade Organisation (06:53-07:25)6. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have served notice that they are about to adopt a much tougher stance against corruption. However, the impact of such a decision on the Caribbean is negligible. Jamaica Finance Minister, Omar Davies, Errol Allum, Deputy Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Clare Short, International Development, Britain are interviewed. James Morgan and Ken Richards report (07:26-12:53)7. Developing countries are skeptical about the United States motives in supporting UN reforms. President Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations are interviewed. Rob Watson reports (12:54-15:30)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 30 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationSourfriere Hills Volcano (Montserrat)Financial institutions -- Montserrat.Banana trade -- China.Banana trade -- Caribbean Area.Banana trade -- African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States.Banana trade -- Europe.Sugar trade.Financial institutions, International.Debt -- Developing countries.Debt -- United Nations.Evacuated zone -- Montserrat.Montserrat Building Society.Latin American banana producers.Sugar trade -- African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States.World Bank.International Monetary Fund.United Nations reform.ACP Banana Growers.Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.Caribbean Report 22-09-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.