Clarke, ReginaldBacchus, George2010-07-142010-07-14Please con2010-07-148/25/1993 audio cassettesThis resource is available for research. It is the property of the West Indiana and Special Collections Division, The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. Copyright: The University of the West Indies.George Bacchus, who was born in 1913, was 80 years old at the time of the interview. He worked first as a driver with the Police Service and later went into the taxi driving business and became one of the pioneers in the industry, owning a fleet of cars.2 audio cassettes 60 mins eachenEducation: Vocational TrainingMotor Car IndustryTourist IndustryTaxi DriversWorld War 11, 1939-1945St. Christopher's Taxi ServiceTransport IndustryTaxi ServiceOP69 - Bacchus, GeorgeRecording, oral