The University of the West IndiesRichards, Ken (anchor)Joseph, Emma (correspondent)Barrow, Patrick (interviewee)Redhead, Coleman (interviewee)Douglas, Denzil (interviewee)Greaves, Keith 'Stone' (correspondent)Astaphan, Anthony (interviewee)Cockland, Geraldine (correspondent)Herfkens, Eveline (interviewee)2016-12-012016-12-012001-04-05CAR3336 Headlines (00:00-00:30)2. At least three Caribbean destinations are scrambling to find a replacement for British Chartered Airline JMC. Head of Communications for JMC Patrick Barrow and Manager of Rex Resorts Coleman Redhead are interviewed. Emma Joseph reports (00:31-05:45)3. Strong Caricom lobby is mounted in Canada against fast tracking the hemispheric free trade zone. Prime Minister Denzil Douglas is interviewed (05:46-08:52)4. Montserrat's new government has been officially sworn into office. Chief Minister John Osborne and three other members took their oaths of office. Keith 'Stone' Greaves reports (08:53-10:42)5. Preliminary investigation sights evidence of corruption in the previous administration in Dominica. Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan is interviewed (10:43-13:22)6. Dutch Minister for Development Co-operation has denied that there is any discord between The Hague and Suriname over development aid. Minister for Development Co-operation of the Netherlands Eveline Herfkens is interviewed and Geraldine Cockland reports (13:23-15:47)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 47 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationAirlines -- Caribbean AreaFree ports and zones -- Caribbean AreaOaths -- MontserratCorruption -- DominicaEconomic assistance -- SurinameCaribbean Report 05-04-2001Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.