Harvey, ClaudiaBrandon, E. P.2022-01-182022-01-18Jan-Apr.,150https://hdl.handle.net/2139/52254Special issue of Caribbean Journal of Education, vol. 15, nos. 1&2, 1988An attempt was made to design a postgraduate course in educational administration in which the participants would engage in conscious reflection on their own teaching/learning and administrative behaviour on the course. This report describes the emergent instructional process of the course. Seven students and two tutors engaged in an attempt to use theory and research findings to widen their perspectives on educational administration and to use these widened frames of reference to reflect on and improve practice, beginning with improving behaviour on the course itself. There were indications that this attempt at praxis worked to some extentPostgraduate coursesResearch on reflexive teaching: The design and implementation of a postgraduate educational administration course