2011-03-022011-03-022011-03-02SC9https://hdl.handle.net/2139/9297Address by Sir Philip Sherlock on the occasion of the memorial serivce for Sir Frank Worrell on March 19th 1967.--DH-1BdFounder's Day address given by Adlai E. Stevenson on April 12th 1960.--DH-1BfAddress by F.Cyril James entitled "The purpose of the University" delivered on August 31st 1965.--DH-1BaSpeech by Monroe Spaght,Managing Director, Royal Dutch/Schell Group of Companies delivered June 12th 1966.--DH-1BbSpeeches given by various persons at the Inaugural ceremonies of the Centre for Multi-Racial Studies, hosted jointly by the University of the West Indies and the University of Sussex on April 15th to 16th 1967.--Dh-1BcAddress to freshmen by Sir Philip Sherlock, October 9th 1964.--Dh-1BeIn order to access this collection please contact the West Indiana and Special Collections Division at wimail@sta.uwi.eduSpeeches, addresses,etc.Barrow, Errol Walton, 1920-1987Williams, Eric Eustace, 1911-1981Caradon, Hugh Foot, Baron, 1907-1990Briggs, Asa, 1921-Fortes,MeyerHenriques, FernandoSherlock, Philip Manderson, SirStevenson, Adlai EwingAddresses and speeches by various persons including Sir Philip Sherlock, Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies 1960-1963.Text2008-10-30