Miller, Herbert E.2010-03-312010-03-312010-03-31 Red, White, Green, Black, Yellow, Brown; Style: Landscape; Other: Unbordered, DividedExterior view of a government building in Trinidad popularly known as the "Red House" where the Trinidad and Tobago Parliament meets. It is regarded as the "seat of the Trinidad Government" and is surrounded by trees and other greenery. There are several persons walking in the streets and on the pavements outside the building. Postcard number 167834.enPlease contact the Main Library, The University of the West Indies for permission to use the digitized images. wimail@sta.uwi.eduTrinidad and TobagoPostcardsPublic buildings--Trinidad and TobagoArchitecture--Trinidad and TobagoCities and towns--Trinidad and Tobago--Port of SpainBuildings--Trinidad and TobagoStreets--Trinidad and TobagoHistoric buildings--Trinidad and TobagoMen--Trinidad and TobagoWomen--Trinidad and TobagoClothing and dress--Trinidad and TobagoAutomobiles--Trinidad and Tobago[1970]Overhead electric lines--Trinidad and TobagoSchool children--Trinidad and TobagoUniforms--Trinidad and TobagoClothing and dress--Trinidad and TobagoRed House, The (Trinidad and Tobago)Parliament Building (Trinidad and Tobago)The Red HouseImage