The University of the West IndiesJarvis, Mike (anchor)Norton, Michael (correspondent)Wade, John (correspondent)Gunness, Christopher (correspondent)Perez de Cuellar, Javier (interviewee)Longchamp, Fritz (interviewee)Coore, David (interviewee)Islam, Shada (correspondent)Caroit, Jean-Michel (correspondent)Orkney, Elsa (correspondent)2019-05-082019-05-081991-10-01CAR0852 Headlines (00:00-00:49)2. Last night’s military coup in Haiti leads to the fleeing of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Venezuela and draws outrage from the international community. Michael Norton reports from Haiti that a dust to dawn curfew is imposed and there is sporadic gunfire from the army personnel today (00:50-01:44)3. Unconfirmed reports are circulating on the death of leader of the Tonton Macoutes, Roger Lafontant, in prison, whilst imprisoned loyalists to Jean Claude Duvalier have been freed or broken out of prisons in Haiti as a result of the coup (01:45-02:06)4. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide arrives in Caracas and John Wade reports on the reactions of the Haitian President and Venezuelan’s President Carlos Andres Perez to the uprising (02:07-04:12)5. Christopher Gunness reports from outside the UN headquarters in New York as angry Haitian demonstrators protest against the failure of the UN Security Council to formally convene a meeting to discuss the crisis in Haiti. Comments from the UN Secretary General, Javier Perez de Cuellar and Haiti’s ambassador Fritz Longchamp (04:13-07:20)6. Foreign Ministers of the OAS are scheduled to meet this week to discuss the unrest in Haiti. Under the Santiago Compromise, the OAS ministers are obligated to hold an emergency meeting within ten days of a coup in any member state. Jamaican Foreign Minister, David Coore comments on the upcoming meeting in Washington (07:21-09:06)7. Caribbean Rights Organization has urged all Caricom governments to refuse to conduct business with Haiti until a legitimate government is restored (09:06-09:35)8. The United States suspended a $99 million aid package to Haiti and is prepared to use political and economic means to reverse to coup. Shada Islam reports from Brussels that France and the European community will follow the US example (09:36-11:12)9. The Dominican Republic, Haiti’s neighboring state, has not yet responded to the events in Haiti. Jean-Michel Caroit reports that the opposition leader in the Dominican Republic, Juan Bosch, suggested that the coup may have been initiated in the Dominican Republic (11:13-12:36)10. BBC Elsa Orkney reports from Grenada on the response from Grenada’s Prime Minister, Nicholas Brathwaite, on the events in Haiti (12:37-13:57)11. Mike Jarvis recaps the report of yesterday’s military coup in Haiti (13:58-14:48)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit14 min. 52 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCoup d'etat -- HaitiHaiti -- Politics and governmentAristide, Jean-BertrandOrganization of American StatesUnited Nations -- Security CouncilCaribbean Rights (Organization)Santiago CompromiseCaribbean Report 01-10-1991Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.