The University of the West IndiesJarvis, Mike (anchor)Francis, Gloria (interviewee)Wenner, Clare (interviewee)Thompson, Pat (interviewee)Cimadevilla, Francisco (interviewee)Baptiste, Sandra (correspondent)Sandiford, Erskvine (speaker)Abdullah, Frank (speaker)Khan, Sharif (correspondent)2018-12-032018-12-031993-05-26CAR1283 Headlines (00:00-00:26)2. A GATT dispute panel has ruled that the European community banana import system unfairly limit Latin American exports. The panel recommended that the Community removes the existing quotas and bring its tariff rates for Latin American banana exporters in line with those from other GATT members (00:27-07:01)3. The Caribbean Association of Industry and Commerce says lobbying in the United States to retain the 936 Programme will now have to intensify. Puerto Rico has suspended the disbursements of funds under the 936 Programme saying friends in Congress suggest Washington will severely scale down the Programme (07:02-09:08)4. The Caribbean premier trade exhibition, CARIB Expo 93 has been launched in Barbados with competitiveness a recurring theme at the opening ceremony. Over two hundred manufacturers from across the region are participating in the five-day trade show which comes at a time when obstacles to intraregional trade are again in the spotlight (09:09-12:20)5. Guyana’s president, Dr. Cheddi Jagan has reacted strongly to suggestions that his government might be backing-off from promises to push privatization of state enterprises. There have been no direct charges by organised business groups that the government is holding back on its promises, but private sector has recent press reports suggesting investors were becoming uneasy (12:21-14:24)6. The United States is threatening to increase economic sanctions on Haiti following the rejection by Haitian leaders of the U.S. backed U.N. plan to deploy an international police force. Richard Boucher, Spokesman for the State Department says that the United States is consulting with the United Nations, the Organisation of American States and the international community (14:25-14:58)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 05 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade -- Economic aspectsBanana trade -- Caribbean AreaBanana growers -- Foreign economic relations -- EuropeBanana growers -- Foreign economic relations -- Latin AmericaBanana growers -- Foreign economic relations -- Caribbean AreaPrivatization -- GuyanaHaiti -- Foreign relations -- United StatesHaiti -- Politics and governmentHaiti -- Military relationsJagan, CheddiCaribbean Association of Industry and TradeCARIB EXPO 93936 ProgrammeBoucher, RichardCaribbean Report 26-05-1993Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.