The University of the West IndiesOrr, Carol (anchor)Norton, Michael (correspondent)Delver, Reginald (interviewee)Lewis, Vaughn (interviewee)Ninvalle, Pete (correspondent)Osana, Roy (correspondent)Ishmael, Odeen (interviewee)Casimir, Jean (interviewee)Edmunds, Joseph (interviewee)Mills, Therese (interviewee)Fraser, Tony (correspondent)Jagdeo, Bharrat (interviewee)Niles, Bertram (anchor)2015-01-092015-01-091996-05-31CAR2070 Headlines (00:00-00:28)2. Seven shot dead in Haiti in retaliation for yesterday's killing of Erla Jean-Francois. Acting Deputy Minister of Justice Reginald Delver is interviewed. Michael Norton reports (00:29-05:54)3. St. Lucia Prime Minister Vaugh Lewis defends the appointment of George Mallet as Governor General. Prime Minister Vaughn Lewis is interviewed and Pete Ninvalle reports (05:55-07:41)4. The 26th General Assembly Meeting of the OAS gets underway in Panama on Monday. Caribbean nations would be putting on the agenda the question of debt relief, regional development and trade. Co-ordinator of Caricom Affairs Ambassador Odeen Ishmael of Guyana, Haiti's Ambassador Jean Casimir and Dean of the Inter-American and Caribbean Diplomatic Corps Joseph Edmunds are interviewed (07:42-10:04)5. Publishers in Trinidad and Tobago today launched a press complaint committee but the media association of the twin island which represents the interest of working journalist does not support the body. Publisher Therese Mills of the Newsday and First Vice-Preisdent of the Media Association Elizabeth Solomon are interviewed. Tony Fraser reports (10:05-12:27)6. Guyana's Finance Minister Bharrat Jagdeo says that Trinidad and Tobago too has gained from the right off of the two thirds of Guyana's half a billion United States dollars debt. Finance Minister Bharat Jagdeo is interviewed (12:28-13:14)7. Owen Arthur of Barbados slams another nail into the so-called Manning initiative. Bertrand Niles reports (13:15-15:21)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 21 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationCrime -- Haiti.Governors general -- Saint Lucia.Publishers and publishing -- Trinidad and Tobago.Debt -- Guyana.International economic integration -- Caribbean Area.Organisation of American States.Caribbean Report 31-05-1996Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.