Ifill, Garnet2011-04-052011-04-051977-112011-04-05W55https://hdl.handle.net/2139/9896The photograph shows (from left to right) Mr. Overand Padmore, Dr. Eric Williams and Dr. Ken Julien at the commissioning of Tringen in November 1977. Mr.Padmore was the Minister in the Ministry of Finance and Dr. Ken Julien, a Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UWI, St. Augustine.Colour;Black and white;Style:LandscapeThe Collection is the property of the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus. To find out about accessing the collection contact wimail@sta.uwi.edu or visit: http://www.mainlib.uwi.tt/divisions/wi/collsp/specialcoll2.htm#reprographicservicesPadmore, OverandJulien, KennethWilliams, Eric Eustace,1911-1981Trinidad Nitrogen Company Limited (Tringen)Commissioning of Tringen - November 1977.Image