Bridgemohan-Akal, Sherry2015-01-272015-01-272015-01-27 qualitative study examined the experiences of inclusion, within a model primary school in Trinidad and Tobago, of both special needs students and their peers in the general education classroom. Data were collected through individual interviews and focus groups with nine students (eight typical and one special needs student), as well as through classroom observations. Four themes emerged from the study: 1) physical inclusion, 2) academic inclusion, 3) social inclusion, and 4) social justice.enCase studiesSpecial needs studentsInclusive educationPrimary schoolsPrimary school studentsRegular class placementEducational experienceTrinidad and TobagoCase Study: We Have a Voice. Experiences of Students With Special Needs and Typical Students in a Model Primary School in the St. George East DistrictThesis