The University of West Indies2023-03-242023-03-24 Stafford Griffith: More females enrolled at UWI Five Islands. Pro Vice-Chancellor and Interim Principal of the University Of The West Indies (UWI) Five Islands Campus STAFFORD GRIFFITH is reporting a disproportional number of female to male enrollment at the school, where 82 percent of the school's population is female. He states the school will begin to look at its course offerings as a way to better attract young men to the programme. Professor GRIFFITH says that he is generally satisfied that the students attending the institution, met the high standards established by the university over the years.2 min 29 secNews recordingsUniversities and colleges -- Caribbean AreaStafford Griffith: More females enrolled at UWI Five IslandsSoundThis collection comprises articles, images, as well as recordings from the media. These highlight the activities and relationships The University of the West Indies has with its key stakeholders. The Marketing and Communications Office of The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, and Trinidad and Tobago has compiled this collection, which should only be used for research and educational purposes. Researchers are encouraged to acknowledge the creators of the work. Additionally, permission must be sought from the copyright holder if any article, video, or sound recording from the collection is to be used for commercial purposes.