Ferreira, Jo-AnnePortuguese Heritage in Trinidad and Tobago2010-07-142010-07-14Please con2010-07-14October 19https://hdl.handle.net/2139/830010 audio cassettesThis resource is available for research. It is the property of the West Indiana and Special Collections Division, The Alma Jordan Library, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus.The material collected in these interviews was used in the following publication by Jo-Anne S. Ferreira: The Portuguese of Trinidad and Tobago: Portrait of an Ethnic Minority, (St. Augustine, Trinidad: Institute of Social and Economic at Research, The University of the West Indies, 1994). The names of the persons interviewed are given with the tapes. For further details on these informants see also Appendix I Interviews, p. 119 of Ferreira`s book.10 audio cassettes both 60 and 90 minsenImmigration: PortugueseLanguagesPortuguese LanguageCultural HeritageTrinidad and TobagoOP75 - Portuguese Heritage in Trinidad and TobagoRecording, oral