Luengo-Cervera, EsperanzaAlbornoz-Chacon, Ruth2010-04-192010-04-192008Luengo-Cervera, E., and Albornoz-Chacon, R. (2008). Instructional materials development for primary Spanish in the Caribbean. In L. Quamina-Aiyejina (Ed.), Reconceptualising the agenda for education in the Caribbean: Proceedings of the 2007 Biennial Cross-Campus Conference in Education, April 23-26, 2007, School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago (pp. 241-249). St. Augustine, Trinidad: School of Education, UWI.978-976-622-001-3 recent years, several Caribbean countries have stated their commitment to implement Spanish as a foreign language in the primary school curriculum. This initiative exposed certain needs: syllabus, teacher training, and instructional materials. Our experience through the Spanish Pilot Project in the University School made us aware of the factors required to make this implementation feasible: we had the syllabus, we were trained teachers, but materials were not suitable for Primary Spanish in the Caribbean. This paper contextualizes our experience in that project for the implementation of Spanish in primary schools in Trinidad and Tobago. Then it analyses the choices made regarding syllabuses and methodology in the creation of instructional materials, and relates them to the theories of second language acquisitionenLanguage educationPrimary school curriculumSpanishForeign languagesMaterials preparationMaterials preparationTrinidad and TobagoInstructional materials development for primary Spanish in the CaribbeanBook chapter