The University of the West IndiesMeade, Ben (anchor; correspondent; interviewer)Bird, Lester (interviewee)Smith, Colin (correspondent)Corbin, Robert (speaker)Peart, Michael (speaker)Geroge, Jerry (correspondent)Dean, Darryl (correspondent)Mills, David (speaker)Gordon, Orin (correspondent)Rawle, Harcourt (speaker)2022-06-092022-06-092002-07-26CR868 Headlines 00:00 – 00282. There have been sharp differences, between the Government and The Progressive National Congress (PNC) over the crime situation in Guyana. Robert Corbin, party chairman, says that the violence is deeply disturbing, and that the situation needs to be ended. Colin Smith reports from Georgetown, Guyana (00:29-02:27)3. Jamaican police are in negotiations with the Government for a pay increase. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Michael Peart lead the negotiations for the government. He told reporter Ben Meade that the talks are going well (02:29 – 04:55)4. In St. Vincent Eric Rodriquez, the superintendent of prisons, walked free of the charge of killing prisoner Kingsley Henry. There was a disturbance at the prison in which Henry was shot and killed. Superintendent Rodriquez was incarcerated for six weeks. Jerry George reports form Kingstown (05:00 – 06:32)workers. At a Latin American Human Rights Conference, it was said that 90% of Human Rights workers slain were from that region. The number of countries has risen from four to eight with Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, and Paraguay added to the list. (06:33 - 07:04)6. Antigua and Barbuda will feel the effects of a fallout of revenue. Ben Meade spoke with Prime Minister Lester Bird, who said the economy is feeling the effects of September 11th and the government’s plan to boost it. He says that Antigua’s problem is fiscal in terms of meeting its expenditure. There have been claims by critics that Antigua is becoming indebted to US businessman Alan Stanford (07:07 – 09:48)7. Caribbean Nationals are among the participants at World Youth Day in Toronto Canada. Described as a festival of faith, the celebrations are organised by the Roman Catholic Church and is attended by Pope John Paul. Darryl Dean reports the many of the participants from the Caribbean will not be seeing the pope because they were denied Canadian visas. David Mills a member of parliament and event coordinator explained that some were denied visas because they did not follow the process arranged to handle the paperwork (09:49 – 11:35)8. At the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, Barbadian, Obadele Thompson is out of the games due to an old hip injury. Orin Gordon reports the Bahamian runner Debbie Ferguson won her heath in 100 metres round. She is favoured for the gold medal. Harcourt Rawle says they are as strong as they see. Ato Boldon is not competing at this Game as well as Jamaica’s Gregory Haughton. No one from the Caribbean has won a medal so far (11:36-15:27)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 27 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationPolitical violence -- GuyanaPolice -- Wages -- JamaicaPrison riots -- Saint VincentImprisonmentHuman rights -- Latin AmericaRevenue -- AntiguaVisas -- CanadaCatholic ChurchTrack and field -- Caribbean AreaGuyana -- Politics and governmentProgressive National Congress (PNC)Wage negotiationsJamaica -- Politics and governmentRodriquez, EricHenry, KingsleyLatin American Human Rights ConferenceStanford, AlanEconomic fallout -- AntiguaPope John PaulWorld Youth DayFestival of FaithCommonwealth GamesBoldon, AtoFerguson, DebbieHaughton, GregoryThompson, ObadeleCaribbean Report 26-07-2002Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.