The University of the West IndiesGordon, Warren (anchor)Ransome, Debbie (correspondent)Smith, E. (correspondent)Mullings, Seymour (interviewee)Thomas, Moya (correspondent)Cunningham, Jack (interviewee)Mitchell, James (interviewee)Giuliani, Rudy (interviewee)Anyaoku, Emeka (interviewee)2014-07-252014-07-251997-10-23CAR2434 Headlines (00:00-00:34)2. Caribbean leaders meet in Edinburgh ahead of the Commonwealth Summit opening tomorrow. E. Smith reports on the wish list coming from that meeting of Caribbean Community leaders. High on the agenda are Nigeria's relationship with the Commonwealth, the importance of the banana regime to Caribbean leaders, the economies of the smaller countries in the region and Caribbean countries strengthening trade links with South Africa. Seymour Mullings of Jamaica and British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook are interviewed (00:35-02:57)3. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Summit makes an attempt to shape a new look organisation. This year's Summit has taken the unprecedented move of putting forward a central theme, "Partnership for Prosperity." Peter Lyon of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies is interviewed and Barnaby Mason reports (02:58-06:09)4. News emerged today over the reason why Diana, the Princess of Wales, had cancelled her to trip to Jamaica due this weekend (06:10-06:48)5. Britain says the Windward Islands banana industry is vitally important. Jack Cunningham, Britain's Agriculture Minister and Prime Minister James Mitchell are interviewed. Moya Thomas reports (06:49--09:03)6. The maxi taxi political jam - why Caribbean owned commuter buses are a hot political issue in New York. Immigration Advocate, Owen Clare and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani are interviewed and Leslie Goffe reports (09:05-11:25)7. On the eve of the Summit in Edinburgh, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku says that development and issues affecting small states would be an important part of the weekend's business. He confirmed that one of the Caribbean's main concerns, the potentially devastating effect of the WTO banana ruling, would be fully dealt with. A report on development by the former Dominican Prime Minister Eugenia Charles, a ministerial report on the vulnerability of small states and the rainforest project in Guyana would also be discussed. Chief Emeka Anyaoku is interviewed and Warren Gordon reports (11:26-13:44)8. Would the discussions of the Caricom's fringe meeting get an airing in the main Summit tomorrow? It is hoped that the banana issue would engage the attention of the wider meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government. Debbie Ransome reports (13:45-15:24)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 24 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationBanana trade -- Caribbean Area.Military government -- Nigeria.Banana trade -- Windward Islands.Summit meetings -- Edinburgh.Princesses -- Great Britain.Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.Partnership for Prosperity.Dollar vans -- New York City.Caricom fringe meeting -- Edinburgh.Giuliani, Rudy.Diana, Princess of Wales, 1961-1997Caribbean Report 23-10-1997Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.