The University of the West IndiesGordon, Warren (anchor)Grant, Jennifer (correspondent)Owen, Arthur (interviewee)Goffe, Leslie (correspondent)Gajadhar, Rupert (interviewee)Isaac, Mark (interviewee)Barshefsky, Charles (interviewee)Brittan, Leon (interviewee)Walker, Andrew (correspondent)Cozier, Tony (correspondent)2016-09-232016-09-231996-12-09CAR2206 Headlines (00:00-00:27)2. Greenpeace urges Caribbean governments oppose to nuclear transhipments to put their words into action. Tom Clements, Greenpeace International, Prime Minister Owen Arthur, Nuclear Control Institute Vice President Cheryl Tanza are interviewed (00:28-06:21)3. Caricom co-operation with the United States in fighting drug trafficking in the region will be on the agenda of a meeting next week Prime Minister Owen Arthur of Barbados has confirmed. Grenada's Minister of Agriculture Mark Isaac, Prime Minister Owen Arthur and Rupert Gajadhar, St. Lucia Chairman of the Banana Growers Association are interviewed. Leslie Goffe reports (06:22-09:45)4. Cuba has used the WTO conference in Signapore to again strongly criticise the US embargo on the island. Developing counries attending the conference are being told they should remove barriers to textile imports more quickly. United States Acting Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, EU Trade Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan are interviewed. Andrew Walker reports (09:46-13:11)5. The West Indies to put things right against Australia tonight. Cricket Commentator Tony Cozier reports (13:12-15:26)Stereo 192 bit rate MP3;44,100 Mega bits;16 bit15 min. 26 sec.Sound, mp3enCopyright British Broadcasting CorporationRadioactive wastes -- Caribbean Area.Drug traffic -- Caribbean Area.Embargo -- Cuba.Textile industry -- Caribbean Area.Cricket -- West Indies.Greenpeace International.Caribbean Report 09-12-1996Recording, oralAccess to this collection is available on site at the Main Library, Mona Campus (, Jamaica and The Alma Jordan Library (, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.