Meaders, O. Donald2022-01-182022-01-181985410 study conducted during November 1984 at the request of the Caribbean Agricultural Extension Project in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of EducationThis study examined present agricultural education programmes in Dominica and made recommendations for needed improvements. Data for the evaluation were obtained from numerous documents and publications, field trips, and discussions with key officials in various ministries and institutions, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Education, Clifton Dupigny Community College and various secondary schools throughout the country, a farm, a market, and the La Plaine French Technical Cooperation Project. The existing agricultural education programmes in Dominica needed to be strengthened since they were needed as part of the country's human resource development to achieve improved agricultural productivity and improved rural living. The Ministry of Education needed to continue to bear the primary responsibility for administration of agricultural education in the country. Moreover, the Ministry of Education needed to strengthen the supportive services and cooperation that it provides in the delivery and supervision of agricultural education. Included among the areas in which improvements were particularly needed were the following: staff development, curriculum and instructional development, improvement of facilities and equipment, establishment and assistance of pilot school programmes, and establishment of a network of communication and exchange among educators within Dominica and from other Caribbean islands. Appendices to this report include a listing of documents reviewed by the researcher, data on staffing, and conclusions based on a previous study of agricultural colleges in the countryAgricultural educationDevelopment and strengthening of agricultural education in Commonwealth of Dominica. A report